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How To Reduce Bad Cholesterol? Nine Essential Foods

Reducing bad cholesterol rates is a way to promote health and prevent disease. In this context, food plays a key role.

Contrary to what many people think, cholesterol is naturally present in the body and is not a disease. 

The problem is having increased levels of bad cholesterol, which can be a gateway to serious illnesses. Therefore, keeping it balanced is crucial to reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases and other ailments. 

Changing habits and knowing what can harm metabolism is essential to take care of health and quality of life. Check out this post on reducing cholesterol and nine foods contributing to this goal!

What Is Cholesterol

First, it is important to know that cholesterol is a type of fat in the body and plays an important role in metabolism. It makes up the structure of the cell membrane and is present in various organs of the body. It is also essential for the production of vitamin D.  

To be transported in our body, it needs transporters. HDL and LDL do this job. LDL is considered “bad cholesterol” because it spreads the fat particles, favouring their accumulation in our arteries. In contrast, HDL is considered “good” because it leads the fat to the liver, where it will be correctly metabolized and used.

The body uses cholesterol in the production of hormones. The body produces much, and the other is ingested in daily food. Therefore, it is important to keep the cholesterol test up to date and analyze the food quality, which can interfere with the production and use of cholesterol.

What Are The Health Risks?

The increase in cholesterol happens silently and asymptomatically, which makes it a serious problem. In this way, it is detected only with blood tests or with the occurrence of serious problems.

There are many health risks of high cholesterol, such as:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes ;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack.

Nine Foods To Lower Bad Cholesterol

Anyway, the best alternative to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol) is through a healthy diet, which can maintain balance in the body. Food is considered the best way to prevent and treat high cholesterol.

In other words, some foods are indispensable on your menu because they offer nutrients that reduce excess cholesterol while providing important benefits for the body.

See the foods that can’t be missing in your diet!

Turmeric (Saffron), A condiment widely used in India, has been gaining ground in Brazilian homes. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, it helps reduce LDL levels and increase HDL, improving blood cholesterol levels and avoiding possible complications. 


One of the most efficient foods for reducing bad cholesterol, oats contribute to heart health and the intestine, helping to eliminate excess fat and triglycerides. In addition, it is tasty and can complement all meals.


Oilseeds comprise chestnuts, walnuts and almonds, which are rich in antioxidants that prevent inflammation and other types of diseases . They provide vitamins and minerals that help reduce bad cholesterol levels while increasing the good ones.


Common in the diet of people who are lactose intolerant or adopt a strict vegetarian diet, soy is also important for reducing cholesterol. It helps control hormonal problems while helping to strengthen and balance the body.


Avocado has important functions in our body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect while helping blood circulation and is rich in good fats. But, of course, its consumption should be moderate.


Acai is recognized for being very caloric. However, it is rich in good fats that help reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good one, HDL.

It is not a food for daily consumption but a potent antioxidant that will protect the body. Attention, it is interesting to avoid high-calorie and sugar-filled supplements.

Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is important to prevent the accumulation of bad fats and helps to reduce cholesterol. Offers antioxidants and acts in the prevention of heart disease. It is advisable to consume up to two tablespoons daily.


Flaxseed is a source of omega three and fibre that help balance cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease and aid circulation, preventing clots. It is one of the most important foods for health and should be consumed frequently.


Like flaxseed, chia is an important source of omega-3 and fibre that help lower cholesterol. They are essential for fat absorption, facilitating the functioning of metabolism and the balance between good and bad cholesterol.

Also Read: Check Out 6 Foods For Muscle Recovery

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