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Honey Miracle Cure: It Does All Of This For You!

Honey is a hit as a spread and an effective natural remedy for the whole body. Learn more about gold juice.

Honey has long been an indispensable part of the breakfast table. After all, it is sweet and tasty and a source of energy: 75 to 80 percent of it consists of fruit and grape sugar, which the body uses to generate energy, among other things. Dextrose, in particular, provides a boost in performance during sport and work (our brain alone needs 100 to 140 grams of glucose per day). On the other hand, Fructose passes more slowly into the blood and, in this way, ensures that your performance is maintained for longer.

Honey: He Can Do That For You!

We consume 1.3 kilos of liquid bee gold per capita and year – world-class when it comes to honey consumption. The lion’s share ends up on bread and rolls, but the golden-yellow culinary delight offers much more than that. Thanks to the interaction of its ingredients, the range of uses for liquid gold is quite extensive.

  1. Its enzymes create substances with an antibacterial effect. This makes it last longer and also has a soothing effect in many areas.
  2. For example, hot honey milk for sore throats has been familiar to many from childhood.
  3. In addition, honey has a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect and is perfect as an ointment for rough lips (give it a try: mix a teaspoon of petroleum jelly with a dollop of honey).
  4. “Milk and honey” was also the beautiful miracle cure of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. Applied externally, honey is a practical, natural beauty elixir: it retains moisture in the skin, nourishes it, and makes it soft.
  5. At the moment, Manuka honey from New Zealand is literally on everyone’s lips: Thanks to its ingredient, methylglyoxal (MGO), Manuka has a remarkably antiseptic, wound-healing, and antioxidant effect.

The Ingredients Of Honey

200 substances are contained in honey. These ingredients make the natural product a unique complex of effects:

Minerals and trace elements: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, boron. # Enzymes: invertase, glucose oxidase, diastase.

Amino acids: alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, proline.

Vitamins: C, B 2, B 6, niacin, pantothenic acid.

The Areas Of Application Of Honey

  • Skin: Thanks to its antibacterial, anti-fungal properties, honey is a good product for skincare. Rub a little honey into impurities and let it work overnight. Wash off the following day. Even though honey cannot heal blemishes, it is good at relieving inflammation and dryness.

Despite its high sugar content, honey can even tackle fungal infections. In an artificial environment and studies with those affected, it has already been applied to Candida albicans several times – the result is always the same: the bee gold significantly inhibits the growth of the fungus. The solutions develop their effect from a honey content of 80 percent. A mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax, each in equal parts, has been tested in studies on people with various skin diseases (including neurodermatitis and psoriasis).

Conclusion: The symptoms of the skin diseases visibly decreased, the cortisone dose administered up to then could be reduced.

  • Hair: Honey makes the headdress soft and flexible and gives it shine and firmness – so it becomes the magic ingredient of hair treatment. As a humectant, it prevents the hair from drying out. The high sugar content binds the moisture in the hair structure and ensures strong roots – this can also counteract hair loss!
  • Stomach & intestines: honey with warm milk or warm tea (peppermint, chamomile, or fennel) helps with complaints. Another recipe, especially for flatulence: put three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass and fill it up with lukewarm water. Bee honey also helps with too much stomach acid and improves digestion. As long as it is consumed in moderation, it is a perfect remedy.

1 tablespoon of honey before heavy dishes can relieve indigestion. After a large meal, a mixture of honey, lemon, and lukewarm water should help to stimulate the digestive process.

  • Wounds: Honey accelerates the healing process and helps with pain, swelling, and secretion. The following honey ointment has proven itself for light, superficial cuts, and abrasions: Take 3 teaspoons of Eucerin from the pharmacy and 1 teaspoon of natural honey. The whole thing is stirred into a smooth mass. This is applied to the wound at least three times a day. The self-made healing ointment can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three months. Alternatively, honey can be applied directly to wounds and light burns. Big plus: With the help of honey, wounds heal with less scarring. Necessary: Do not try yourself with commercial honey for purulent and deep wounds. There are “Medihoney” products (for example, in the pharmacy) that have been specially prepared to be sterile.
  • Cold: Honey supports the immune system even in cold mode. The flu symptoms or the common cold, such as a cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion, can be noticeably improved with honey. One to two tablespoons of honey in warm water are recommended every day to stabilize the immune system. The effect can be achieved even better with a few additional splashes of lemon juice and a little cinnamon.

How Is Honey Made?

Everything starts with the flowers and bees! The industrious insect collects the nectar from around 1500 flowers before returning to the beehive with its prey. There, the nectar is replenished with valuable enzymes while water is withdrawn from it simultaneously. Then the beekeeper comes into play: He takes the honeycombs from the hive and hurls the honey out with a centrifuge. This is then filtered with a sieve and then bottled.

What Types Of Honey Are There?

The best-known varieties include acacia, buckwheat, eucalyptus, linden, and rapeseed, but there are two dozen types of honey in total.

Acacia works particularly well with colds, while buckwheat can alleviate digestive problems. Eucalyptus has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, and linden honey can lower fever. Thanks to its high glucose content, rapeseed honey provides a lot of energy.

But how do you recognize good honey? The shorter the path from the bee to the consumer, the better! It’s best to buy your bee sap from the region. In addition, you should make sure that the honey is cold-pressed, as it loses many essential ingredients when heated.

Store Honey Properly

Temperature fluctuations and light can have an adverse effect. Moisture does not get him either – honey strongly attracts water. The bees’ gold should be kept as dark as possible and at room temperature (between 18 and 21 degrees), preferably in the kitchen cupboard, not in the refrigerator! Make sure to keep the lid on the jar airtight. If the consistency changes – i.e., if your honey product crystallizes – this is by no means a sign of deterioration: It happens very often. Depending on the ratio of Fructose to glucose in the nectar, some varieties crystallize earlier, others later. Then warm the honey slowly and with occasional stirring in a water bath (up to 40 degrees) – this will make it friendly and liquid again.



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