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The Mediterranean Diet: The Wellness Diet

Over a wholesome model: a way of life exceptionally near our way of life. The Mediterranean Diet: what is it, and what are its advantages on our wellbeing? This specific eating routine is a wholesome model and a way of life propelled by the propensities of a few nations of the Mediterranean bowl. It gives a solid and adjusted eating routine according to a wholesome perspective, equipped for lessening the occurrence of certain illnesses (cardiovascular, malignant growth, diabetes, and dietary problems) and dialing back the intellectual decrease common to maturing.

Yet, the idea goes past nourishment, distinguishing a characteristic way of life, incorporating social, customary, and horticultural practices. It can reinforce the feeling of having a place and dividing between the Mediterranean people groups and make or solidify the connections between individuals of a similar country. But not only that, but it is also a sustainable regime for the environment, thanks to the use of natural resources and low greenhouse gas emissions, as it is mainly based on the food of plant origin; and thanks to respect for the seasonality of the products , local traditions and biodiversity. The main features of this diet are:

  1. an abundance of foods of plant origin (the primary source of protein and fiber);
  2. use of olive oil as the primary source of fat;
  3. regular use of aromatic herbs, reducing salt and fatty seasonings;
  4. high level of omega 3 / omega-six fatty acids;
  5. high ratio of monounsaturated/saturated fatty acids;
  6. low index carbohydrates and glycemic load;
  7. moderate wine intake with meals;
  8. low consumption of red meat;
  9. low consumption of sweets.

Because of various investigations completed in numerous nations, it has been observed that more noteworthy adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is related to further developed wellbeing. A 2-direct expansion inconsistency toward the Mediterranean Diet brought about a 9% decrease in worldwide mortality (which anyway dropped to 8 in a resulting meta-investigation.), 10% of the cardiovascular occurrence and mortality, 5% of the frequency and malignant growth, and 13% of the rate of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Likewise, it has benefits on type 2 diabetes and fatness.

The mixtures that decrease worldwide mortality are the miniature and macronutrients in the Mediterranean Diet, which undoubtedly influence the metabolic pathways connected to the main constant illnesses that lead to an early demise. They are cell reinforcements, mitigating, forestall endothelial harm. Besides, the Mediterranean Diet has better files of glucose homeostasis, diminishes pulse, stomach stoutness, and metabolic condition, and has higher HDL cholesterol esteems.


Regarding diabetes, various studies have been done on the relationship between this disease and the Mediterranean Diet. In one of them, it was seen that there is an 83% reduction in the risk of contracting diabetes with high adherence to this diet. Therefore an increase of 2 points was equivalent to a decrease in risk of 35%, even in the presence of other risk factors for diabetes.

In the second study, however, it was seen that the quality of fats introduced is also essential. A diet rich in monounsaturated fats and low in saturated fats improves insulin resistance.

Some foods present in the Mediterranean Diet have beneficial effects on the prevention of diabetes, and are: citrus fruits thanks to the phenolic compounds, especially the flavonoids which are hypoglycemic; dietary fiber, which improves postprandial glucose metabolism by slowing down gastric emptying, digestion, and absorption of glucose; garlic with its quercetin which is a potent hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering agent; and some spices thanks to their phytonutrients, and especially for diabetes are basil which has antioxidant compounds and volatile oils, curcumin from turmeric and capsaicin from chili.



One cause of obesity is the increasing adherence to a Western-style diet rich in saturated fats and sugars, to the detriment of the Mediterranean one. Furthermore, according to some studies it has been seen that obesity could be partly caused by chronic inflammation, and the Mediterranean Diet intervenes on this, preventing it thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of some foods, which are: extra virgin olive oil thanks to oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, some phenolic compounds such as hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein which are antioxidants and inhibit the oxidation of LDL, squalene is always an antioxidant, Fish.

Thanks to pufa and in particular to omega 3 and DHA and EPA which inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids and adipogenesis, and reduce the accumulation of lipids and the oxidation of LDL; oil seeds with phytosterols that compete with cholesterol for intestinal absorption; grapes with resveratrol which is an antioxidant and inhibits lipid oxidation, anti-inflammatory and prevents adipogenesis; citrus fruits with phenolic compounds, especially flavonoids, which are excellent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering agents.

Dietary fiber which increases HDL and reduces LDL, increases the sense of satiety and has positive effects on weight control; garlic with allicin which is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering and cholesterol-lowering agent; chili pepper with capsaicin which reduces LDL, accelerates metabolism thus increasing fat consumption and promotes weight loss, reduces appetite; onion with quercetin which is an antioxidant and therefore reduces the concentration of oxidized LDL.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. There is undoubtedly a genetic component, but incorrect eating habits also cause them. The risk factors are many, and they are smoking, related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, a diet rich in saturated and trans fats that increase LDL and decrease HDL, red meat (processed and not), which causes increased cholesterol, excess salt, sugary drinks and simple sugars that raise blood sugar, and foods rich in refined grains.

Therefore, to prevent these pathologies, the diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and legumes that provide fiber, dried fruit and vegetable oil that fight cholesterol, whole grains that do not raise blood sugar too much, garlic, dairy products but above all yogurt and cheeses because the milk and even eggs in excess are wrong, even alcohol, especially in women, has positive effects, but if consumed in the recommended doses, because in excess it increases mortality, and also fish thanks to the beneficial effects of omega- 3s.


Tumors can have two leading causes: genetic (5-10% of cases) and environmental (about 90% of cases). Nutrition, together with lifestyle, is one of the most important factors for prevention that can reduce the incidence of cancers by up to 75%, especially those of the gastrointestinal tract, such as colorectal cancer.

Limit alcohol consumption because it is a toxic substance even if it contains resveratrol, which is in low quantities, and finally limit the consumption of foods rich in salt. Furthermore, it is good to consume EVO, which has a protective effect thanks to the phenolic compounds, antioxidants, and yogurt, and avoid carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which increases the incidence of tumors.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Finally, the Mediterranean Diet also benefits two neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The first is caused by environmental factors, genetics, and dietary habits, as regards the latter, here are reported all the foods and compounds that have a positive effect (such as legumes, fiber, vitamin E) and those that have a negative impact (i.e., fat, low levels of magnesium, vitamin D) and which therefore cause brain damage.

On the other hand, Alzheimer’s is caused in 90% of cases by environmental factors and the remaining 10% by genetic factors that cause early disease development and are much more aggressive and rapid. This disease is considered a third type of diet-induced diabetes because, with low levels of insulin or insulin resistance, low glucose levels in the brain result in reduced brain activity, with the formation of beta-amyloid plaques typical of the disease. . But obesity, high cholesterol values ​​, and oxidative stress are also causes. So it’s good to check insulin, cholesterol, and fat values ​​and consume plenty of antioxidants, minerals, and omega-3s.



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