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Vitamins For Hair Loss: Which Are The Best?

We all know that losing a certain amount of hair strands daily is normal. However, when the decline becomes accentuated, it becomes a matter of great concern. But why does this happen? Well, several factors can contribute to the worsening of the problem. Among them are the constant use of hair dryers and flat iron, inappropriate products, chemicals, genetic issues, and even a vitaminosis.

Another factor that cannot be forgotten is the season. In winter, cold temperatures can cause hair to fall out more, which is known as telogen effluvium. In this case, the wires can excessively fall out for 1 to 3 months, which generates annoyance and requires more excellent care with the wires.

So, before we talk about vitamins for hair loss, let’s present better habits to help fight the problem. In addition, it is necessary to remember that consultation with the dermatologist is essential; he is the one who will guide the best treatment for hair loss.

Adopt Good Hair Care Habits

Hair deserves care ranging from hygiene to nutrition. One way to ensure the wires receive proper care is through the hair schedule. This practice consists of moisturizing, nourishing, and rebuilding the hair. Specific products and hair masks are also essential to combat the fall. 

In addition, attention must be paid to daily care. Avoid hot baths, shared in winter, as they dry and weaken the wires. Also, sleeping with wet hair affects the health of your hair and scalp. Not to mention that this habit can cause headaches in some people. Another tip is to avoid excessive washing, which can cause increased oil production.

List Of Vitamins For Hair Loss

In food, you can find several vitamins and nutrients. The more varied they are, the healthier the hair will be. Therefore, consuming vegetables, fruits, and whole grains should be part of the food routine. However, those who want faster results can opt for supplementation and get the necessary vitamins. 

Vitamin C

Among the essential vitamins, C assists in the production of keratin and collagen. Therefore, vitamin C acts in the structure of the wires. Another feature is the strengthening of the hair, which prevents hair loss. 

When talking about vitamin C, orange is one of the first foods mentioned. After all, it can be consumed in the form of juices or food through its natural consumption. In addition, orange is part of several recipes, which demonstrates an incredible versatility that can be used.


An integral part of vitamin B, biotin provides several benefits. Among them is the delay in the progression of baldness and the appearance of gray hairs, in addition to preventing hair loss. But attention: biotin is not suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, lactating women, and children under 12 years old.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements are a great option to fight hair loss. That’s because they help in hair recovery, strengthening the wires. But beware, in excess, vitamin D can be toxic, which makes us reinforce medical guidance in the treatment. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a good ally in green leafy vegetables like spinach, Swiss chard, and kale and fruits like avocado and papaya. It acts on blood circulation in the scalp region, regenerates the wires, and stimulates their growth. In this way, we are strengthening them, preventing the fall.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that guarantees the natural oiliness of the hair and fights its dryness. It is one of the hair loss vitamins that can be easily found in everyday foods, like carrots, eggs, cow’s milk, spinach, and liver steak. 

Vitamins are essential for the health of the wires and prevent them from falling in excess. Our last tip is about formulas that can help you get positive results against hair loss. 

 These assets act on hair health, recovering the strength and beauty of the wires. In addition, differentiated formulas can facilitate treatment adherence.


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