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5 Diet Advice You Should Not Follow

Find out why miraculous promises hide problems that can compromise your health. Fad diets are often desirable. After all, who wouldn’t want to get the desired result in a short time?

The problem is that, along with the benefits package, comes a series of health complications.

If your goal is to feel good about your body, feel more energetic daily and raise your self-esteem, you need to understand what is behind these promises.

To help, we have selected the five paths you should not follow if you want to avoid problems in the future.

Eliminate Gluten

If you don’t have celiac disease (an immune reaction to gluten), cutting out this item from your everyday life has no long-term benefit.

The tactic can even help you shed a few pounds at first, but the tendency is to end up in the plateau effect.

Not eating pasta, bread and crackers will only make you stuck at a weight that is not your goal and, worse, leaves you craving something you like.

Restricting the menu too much is never a good idea.

Think you won’t be able to do without your favorite cake or cookie.

Therefore, the ideal is to invest in healthier products, such as those with whole ingredients and fiber.


The famous intermittent fasting can cause more problems.

Moreover, going too long without eating can increase the chance that you’ll overeat at your next meal and make fewer healthy choices.

In addition, it can cause dehydration, hypoglycemia, muscle weakness, and concentration difficulties, among other complications.

No wonder this type of diet can cause tiredness, dizziness, and headaches.

Eating normally and focusing on nutritious choices at every meal is the best option.

This will ensure that your body remains active and performing well.

Don’t Eat Carbs At Night

Carbohydrates are responsible for providing all the energy the body needs.

They perform essential functions, such as the nutrition of the cells of the central nervous system.

When the body doesn’t find carbohydrates, it looks for other energy sources.

This can cause you to lose lean muscle mass, which is critical for day-to-day activities.

The time you eat does not influence weight gain.

The quantity and quality of carbohydrates you consume throughout the day matter.

Choosing these nutrients more carefully is the most appropriate.

Do Not Eat Bread

As already said, restricting food consumption too much is not the best way to face food reeducation.

If you don’t run out of your bread for breakfast or afternoon, there’s no reason to eliminate it from your menu.

You can consume whole grain versions, which are great allies for health, and significantly darker bread, which are rich in fiber. 

Of course, once in a while, nothing stops you from eating French bread. Do you know that warm and yummy one?

You can; nothing is forbidden!

For filling options, try using natural jams, white cheese, or light curd.  

Substitute Meals

Many people replace meals with shakes and supplements to reduce amounts or follow misinformation about not eating at night.

Indeed, you’ve seen these products in advertisements or on supermarket shelves.

They can even serve as a supplementary source for food, as long as a doctor indicates them.

Only this professional can prescribe the type of supplementation, its amount, and duration.

Remember that a balanced diet needs complete meals and adequate nutrients.

Therefore, just like skipping meals, replacing foods without expert guidance is not a healthy habit.

Why Invest In A Good Nutrition Education Program?

As you have seen, restrictive diets pose several physical and mental health dangers.

Many of them can cause weakness, loss of muscle mass, dehydration, tiredness, increased cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases, among other problems.

You must invest in a food reeducation program conducted by professionals specialized in this strategy.

This will make you reach your goals by focusing on the essential thing: your health.



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