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How To Eliminate Water Retention With The Diet?

What are the best foods against water retention? Here’s how to get rid of the ailment with the correct diet. Water retention is not only an aesthetic blemish but an actual disease that, if not treated properly, can lead to more severe consequences.  It represents a disorder that affects many people, especially women, with cellulite. It is estimated that as many as 30% of the female population suffer from it both in childbirth and menopause.

When it is not caused by more serious diseases, such as kidney or heart conditions, water retention is, in most cases, a consequence of an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, if you intervene in time, it is possible to significantly improve the condition simply by adopting healthier choices at the table and in everyday life. So let’s see how to eliminate water retention starting from nutrition, what to eat and what not to eat when the disorder is present and which are the most suitable foods in a diet to defeat water retention.

How To Eliminate Water Retention? Nutrition And Lifestyle Are Among The Main Remedies

The remedies to counteract water retention are numerous and varied. Considering that the disorder has no indifferent effects also from an aesthetic (and therefore psychological) point of view, alongside the more natural solutions, cosmetics and aesthetic medicine also offer interventions in a targeted manner.  Treatments, massages, press therapy, and containment sheaths can help improve the problem, but they prove useless if you do not drastically change your eating habits and lifestyle.

These last two are the fields in which it is necessary to intervene from the beginning to eliminate the disturbance in a fast, natural, and definitive way. As we have already seen, improper nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle are the leading cause of the formation of water retention. Therefore it will be sufficient to adopt changes from this point of view to appreciate positive and lasting results. In fact, unlike a cosmetic treatment, which only has a temporary effect, a balanced diet and a better lifestyle produce long-term results and prevent water retention from returning.

It is, therefore, necessary to question your habits, eliminating the potentially harmful ones and adopting new healthier ones.  Those who lead a very sedentary lifestyle should start practicing physical activity regularly and, in general, stay more active. Reaching the workplace on foot instead of by car or public transport and climbing the stairs instead of using the mobile ones or the elevator are, for example, small changes that can make a difference and help even those who have little time to dedicate. To sport, to stay active.

Stress and busy life can represent potential threats when it comes to water retention, especially considering that there is a tendency to consume a lot of ready-to-eat and often unhealthy foods in these circumstances. Removing the sources of stress and carving out moments of tranquility can be an excellent solution to avoid throwing yourself too often on sweets and junk food. Finally, it would be advisable to abandon the excesses and low-salt vices, such as smoking and alcohol, and always keep hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. 

Diet For Water Retention: What Not To Eat

There is no natural diet against water retention, but it may be helpful to know that some foods can help improve the condition of the disorder, while there are others that tend to worsen it. Therefore they should be avoided. What not to eat if you have water retention? Foods high in sugar and high in salt are at the top of the list, as they are high in sodium. Among these, for example, should be avoided entirely (or at least severely limited) if Formaggio and cured meats, alcohol, and fats such as lard, cream, butter, and margarine. 

Even canned foods that contain preservatives risk creating a solid imbalance between sodium and potassium. Therefore, limiting their consumption and preferring the same foods in the new version is necessary. Finally, flours and refined products, if consumed in quantity, can slow down kidney functions and promote the accumulation of fluids. Consequently, it is advisable to replace them with whole meal products to defeat water retention.

Foods Against Water Retention: Here Are The Best

Therefore, adopting a healthier, varied, and balanced diet is the best solution to combat water retention from within. Therefore, the ideal diet should include plenty of fruit and vegetables, rich in water, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential for blood circulation and free radicals.

In addition, several foods are particularly suitable against water retention because they contain diuretic and purifying properties, thus being able to favor the elimination of excess fluids.

This is the case of pineapple, thirst-quenching, diuretic, and low in calories, which contains an important enzyme (called bromelain) that promotes digestion and diuresis. Even the asparagus are among the foods most effective against water retention because they are rich in glutathione with antioxidant and cleansing properties and onions that help fight urinary tract infections and promote diuresis. Finally, tomatoes are the ideal ally against the accumulation of liquids as they are rich in water and vitamin C, counteract swelling and help eliminate toxins in the body.


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