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Turmeric: Properties, Nutritional Values, Recipes

Turmeric is a cancer prevention agent flavor with decontaminating and anticancer properties. Find every one of the advantages and how to utilize turmeric in the kitchen as well. Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) is a plant that has a place with the family Zingiberaceae. As well as being a fantastic cancer prevention agent and calming, it additionally has a decontaminating, choleretic and cholagogue activity, helpful for the liver and gallbladder. We should discover better.

What Is Turmeric

The turmeric sort has a place with the Zingiberaceae family and incorporates 80 known species, among which the most utilized in sustenance and phytotherapy is Curcuma longa. While the turmeric is exceptionally unpredictable, despite what might be expected, the shading stays unaltered after some time. Therefore, turmeric is a substance that is generally utilized in the food business as a color (inci: E 100 ) of numerous food varieties like cheddar, yogurt, mustard, different canned stocks and different items, which are frequently used with turmeric subordinates. 

The turmeric plant is a herbaceous enduring, which arrives at a most extraordinary stature of around 1m., Arises suddenly in southern Asia, from India to Malaysia, in districts with heat and humidity, with temperatures for the most part between 20 ° C and 35 ° C and with high precipitation. Turmeric is available in numerous tropical or subtropical regions in the developed state, especially Asia and Africa. 

The leaves are huge, 20 to 45 cm long, with a long petiole. The blossoms are gathered in a pompous pseudo-inflorescence wealthy in enormous green bracts at the base and white or purple at the top. The green bracts structure a progression of pockets, house enormous yellow blossoms (with conceivable orange shades). The root is a vast round and hollow, spread, yellow or orange rhizome, strongly sweet-smelling, which establishes the plant’s pre-owned part (drug).

Composition Of Turmeric And Calories

100 g of turmeric contains 354 kcal, and: 

  1. Protein 7.83 g
  2. Carbohydrates 64.93 g
  3. Sugars 3.21 g
  4. Fat 9.88 g
  5. Cholesterol 0 mg
  6. Dietary fiber 21.1 g
  7. Sodium 38 mg 


Turmeric has been and still is utilized in Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cooking for a long time. The radio is bubbled for a long time and dried in enormous broilers afterwards to get the famous flavor. Then, at that point, they are squashed until a yellow ocher powder is obtained, which is usually utilized in South Asian food and as the primary fixing in curry. 

In India, turmeric powder is additionally one of the fixings in masala, giving it its unmistakable profound yellow tone. Notwithstanding numerous other Indian plans, turmeric is utilized in multiple Asian programs, for example, the Nepali dish called momos (meat dumplings) or the Thai dish called Kaeng Tai Pla (shrimp and fish curry).

It can be used like this :

  1. Two teaspoons per day as a supplement ;
  2. addition  of many foods at the end of cooking ;
  3. added to various types of yogurt or to make a sauce. 

Recipes With Turmeric

The utilization of turmeric in cooking is highly flexible: The Golden (milk or gold) is the famous Indian beverage produced using turmeric: its name comes from the brilliant shading of turmeric milk in this cautious arrangement by yogis. Turmeric can be taken with dark pepper or green tea to work with its retention. Indeed, even the blend with some fat, like olive oil or spread, works with the absorption of its dynamic fixings. 

Properties And Benefits 

Properties of turmeric? Turmeric is customarily utilized both in Ayurvedic medication and in regular Chinese medicine. Specifically, it is used as a characteristic food supplement to neutralize provocative cycles inside the body. The plant has consistently been known for its purging, choleretic (animating the creation of bile by the liver ) and cholagogue (which advances exhausting of the gallbladder, expanding the convergence of sharpness into the duodenum and forestalling the arrangement of gallstones ). is a hepatoprotection, energizer of the biliary parcel, cancer prevention agent, blood more slender. 

The most significant dynamic fixing is curcumin, which ongoing examinations have shown to have anticancer properties since turmeric can obstruct the activity of a catalyst thought to be answerable for improving different kinds of disease. This dynamic fixing additionally gives turmeric a mitigating and pain-relieving activity, and consequently, it is utilized successfully in the treatment of irritation, joint agony, joint inflammation and arthrosis. 

Among the mending properties of turmeric, the bright flavor is perceived as a defense of the invulnerable framework. It is additionally a powerful cancer prevention agent fit for neutralizing the activity of free extremists, answerable for the maturing cycles and harm to the layers of the phones that make up our body. Effective turmeric plays a ‘ mending activity. Indeed, in India, the rhizome is applied to the skin to treat wounds, burns, bug chomps and skin sicknesses with truly fulfilling results.

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