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The Importance Of Healthy Weight Loss

The weight loss process must happen healthily, and different health professionals often need to act so that the patient’s goals are achieved effectively and in the long term. Nutritional therapy and physical activity practices guided by a trained professional have a more pleasing and healthy effect.

What Is Healthy Weight Loss?

Healthy weight loss contributes to long-term weight maintenance and avoids the well-known accordion effect, where people lose weight and gain weight frequently.  

We know that obesity is a chronic disease that affects a large part of the population today; it is characterized by excessive deposition of lipids in adipocytes. 

Currently, people eat many industrialized products with excess fats, preservatives, and sugars that, in addition to causing weight gain, also harm health.

How To Lose Weight Healthily?

For healthy weight loss, it is necessary to re-educate yourself and know how to select adequate and quality foods. One tip is to replace processed or ultra-processed products with fresh foods such as vegetables, greens, natural seasonings, and whole grains, go to fairs more often, and give preference to new products. 

Replace refined grains with whole grains; their vitamins and minerals are also preserved in addition to promoting satiety. Leave the dish very colorful and try to vary the vegetables and greens so that it guarantees a variety of vitamins and minerals; choose lean meats and remove the apparent fat.

Physical Activities

The lack of physical activity has undoubtedly become a significant risk factor for the development of obesity. Its proper practice contributes to weight loss, maintenance, and body fat adequacy. In addition to the benefits of losing weight and improving lean mass, physical activity prevents some diseases, such as the risk of breast and colon cancer. It reduces inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes.

Take Care Of Your Sleep

A good night’s sleep is key to maintaining hormone levels related to hunger and satiety.  

Adequate sleep also reduces cortisol levels, a stress-related hormone linked to increased appetite and difficulty losing fat. On average, people need 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day, but the exciting thing is that this sleep needs to be quality.

Drink More Water

Water intake is key to maintaining metabolism. Total body water accounts for 75% of body weight in childhood and more than half in adulthood. Water intake may vary depending on age, weight, climate, and physical activity. 

The thirst sensation mechanism is regulated by our brain, where the sensors, once stimulated, make the person feel thirsty. Intake varies from two liters of water per day, but this amount will depend on the abovementioned factors. 

Consume Healthy Food

Fresh and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, avocado oil, whole grains, and legumes provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds and antioxidants that contribute to health and promote satiety.

Foods That Help Burn Fat

Foods That Aid In Fat Loss Is:

Ginger is considered a diuretic and thermogenic helping to increase metabolism.

Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and also controls appetite. Add this spice over the fruits. 

Cut a papaya in half and add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Another food that helps burn fat is green tea; it has antioxidant components that accelerate metabolism and eliminate harmful substances from the body.

Red fruits like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries contain flavonoids and antioxidants that stimulate the production of hormones that carry out fat burning.

Foods That Increase Satiety

Foods that promote satiety help you eat less food and avoid snacking. Foods that help with satiety are fiber, protein, vegetables, whole grains, avocado, fresh grains, seeds, chia, linseed, nuts, yogurt, eggs, and lean meats.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

For healthy weight loss, you should avoid fried foods, sugars, excess salt, processed and industrialized foods, and diets that are not relevant and that promote the accordion effect.

Prioritize foods like grains, whole grains, vegetables like legumes and fresh greens, and lean meats.

Look For A Nutritionist

The professional nutritionist will assist with the correct food choices and food portions. Nutritional guidance is fundamental so that people can organize themselves and know how to make the right choices. 

The professional gets to know his patient and draws up a food plan according to his food culture, objectives, and goals.

Eat Slowly

Eating food slowly is an activity we must do so that the brain receives a signal that we are satisfied. In addition to that, enzymes need to act on the food. Breaking food down into small particles through chewing helps in absorbing nutrients properly.

Eat Greens And Vegetables

Vegetables and greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers that maintain intestinal functioning and serve as food for the bacteria that inhabit the intestine. The vitamins and minerals in vegetables act as cofactors inducing the production of proteins with different bodily functions, such as enzymes that play essential roles in our metabolism.

Avoid Fried Foods

Fried foods provide many calories and contribute to obesity; excess fatty tissue in the body favors the inflammatory cascade that contributes to the risk of several diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, dyslipidemia, and obesity.

Consume More Baked Goods

Baked foods are best for weight management. Always add only a little oil in seasoning and preparation and remove the skin, like chicken skin, when roasting. Grilled and roasted foods are the best options.

Consume Whole Foods

Whole foods contain fibers that promote satiety, improve intestinal functioning, lower cholesterol, and improve blood sugar levels. When foods are in their complete form, they prolong satiety and favor adherence to the consumption of food in small portions throughout the day.


For healthy weight loss, it is necessary and exciting nutritional guidance and the introduction of physical activity practices, so that muscle mass gain and weight loss occur in a healthy and long-term way. Whole and fresh foods contribute to weight loss as long as it is balanced and varied and helps with health.


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