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The Side Effects Of Ginger

The Side Effects Of Ginger

Ginger has tons of benefits, but it can cause severe gastrointestinal problems or skin irritation when taken in excessive quantities. In recent years, ginger has become an increasingly popular ingredient due to its precious properties. The scientific name is Zingiber officinale, and it is now prevalent in Europe for its curative and therapeutic properties.

This root is good for digestion and promotes the natural assimilation of foods; moreover, ginger tea is well known as a natural remedy for coughs, colds, and flu. But in some cases, ginger can hurt. If you suffer from an irritable bowel, for example, it is better not to take it, and in the case of gastritis.

The Benefits 

  1. Ginger is a rich root in water and carbohydrates, mineral salts, proteins, and many vitamins, including those of group B, vitamin E, and C. 
  2. It is an effective remedy in case of colds, cough, and sore throat diseases and syndromes, especially if taken in the form of a hot decoction, perhaps with a bit of honey.
  3. In the form of a pack, it can also soothe muscle pain after a trauma or a tear. Eating a few pieces promotes the expulsion of toxins from the body and the natural assimilation of food, facilitating digestion.
  4. To make the most of the draining and fat-burning properties, it should be taken in the form of a centrifuge or supplements.

The Side Effects

Especially in the presence of specific problems or health disorders, ginger should not be used lightly because it has, unfortunately, several contraindications. Furthermore, even in healthy people, excessive use of ginger can cause various problems, up to, in the most severe cases, consequences such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and food poisoning. 

Therefore, limiting yourself in use and doses is the first thing to do when you decide to taste some ginger: the recommended daily dose is between 10 and 30 grams of fresh root. Also, pay attention to how you consume this plant: ginger must always be peeled, since ingesting the peel, especially if not carefully washed, can lead to infections or digestive irritations.

Here are the main side effects that can occur due to excessive ginger intake:

  1. Heartburn – especially if you suffer from gastritis and take on an empty stomach, ginger can lead to powerful stomach acid. Furthermore, it is not recommended to take it together with lemon on an empty stomach.
  2. Especially when taken in high quantities, ginger can also promote the appearance of digestive tract diseases such as ulcers.
  3. Intestinal gas and belching – those suffering from irritable colon must be very careful when taking this plant which, by promoting bowel movements, can cause diarrhea, abdominal bloating, excessive intestinal motility, and stimulate the production of gas and belching.
  4. Heart palpitations – ginger can affect blood pressure, clotting capacity, and heart rhythm, and taking too much can cause heart palpitations. Anyone suffering from hypertension and heart problems should take this product under close medical supervision.
  5. Slowed coagulation – ginger improves blood circulation, thinning it: a dangerous property for all who follow drug therapies for blood clotting, such as oral anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories, and antiplatelet agents.
  6. Uterine contractions – the use of this plant is not recommended for pregnant women because it could cause severe uterine contractions, while during breastfeeding, it can lead to a too strong taste of breast milk.
  7. Allergic reactions – those with food allergies or hypersensitivity may experience allergic reactions to ginger, with symptoms ranging from skin rashes to, in severe cases, breathing difficulties.

Ginger is also not recommended:

  1. to those suffering from hemorrhoids, since it increases the pain and the state of the problem;
  2. to those who have diabetes, given the ability of this root to lower blood glucose levels;
  3. to people suffering from gallstones, as it stimulates gastric juices and the release of bile from the gallbladder.


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