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Food In Training: Understand The Benefits!

It is clear that many people are unaware of the need to perform training correctly, follow a balanced diet, not drink alcohol and have a good night’s restorative sleep so the training result is the best possible. That’s why pre-workout and post-workout nutrition is so important for student to achieve their goal.

To be an active and up-to-date professional, who promotes satisfactory results, guides correctly and demands compliance with guidelines is essential for success. Sometimes, students report that they eat well but do not eat every 3 hours, drink little water, eat one or no fruit daily, and hide treats from the reports. While monitoring the results through constant evaluations, we observe that the diet needs to be corrected to achieve the training objective in the shortest possible time.

There is a line of study called BIOENERGETICS, which offers knowledge about how we extract energy and conserve and transfer stored energy for biological work.

We extract energy from the macronutrients that are foods like carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Proteins are responsible for tissue remodeling and provide amino acids to form new proteins.

The extraction of energy from food is used in the following biological works:

  • Mechanical work: force;
  • Transport work: diffusion, active diffusion, Na K pump;
  • Synthetic work: takes place within cells.

Even if our body is at rest and we don’t practice any exercise during the day, we are already spending energy. Our body has periods when it is in an anabolic state (muscle building), and in others, it is in a catabolic state (muscle destruction).

The anabolic effects happen when you are well fed, and the catabolic ones when you haven’t eaten for a long time. Most people spend a large part of the day without eating; consequently, the body “disposes” of the muscles it thinks are in excess.

Therefore, nutritionists indicate that food should occur every 3 hours because when eating, the carbohydrate is transformed into glucose, which is transformed into glycogen – a fast reserve used in the fasting period. When glycogen stores are depleted, energy is drawn from muscle protein.

If food intake is greater than necessary, what is not used as energy for biological work will be stored as Fat for later use.

Our ancestors did not have the food we have today, so when they found a plentiful (game) meal, they had no way of preserving food. So they ingested as much as possible, and the body wisely stored the “excess.” Our body can be exposed to activities in different ways; they are:

High-intensity, Short-Duration Exercises

Using creatine phosphate as a source of high energy lasts around 12 seconds. It does not use oxygen in the reaction. Generally, Anaerobic lactic Metabolism occurs when starting an exercise – the first way to extract energy for the biological work that took the individual out of rest.

Jamaican Usain Bolt’s record at the Olympics is an example, and he took less than 10 seconds (9s81) to cover 100 meters.

High-Intensity, Short-Term Exercise

The energy source is predominantly glucose, lasting between 12 seconds and 1 minute and 45 seconds. It does not use oxygen and results in the formation of lactate. The reactions take place within the cytoplasm of cells. In these activities, the body uses Anaerobic Lactic Metabolism.

Swimming events are examples of activities, such as those competed by Michael Phelps; only events such as butterfly swimming, 200m close to 1m51s, exceeded the time limit of the Metabolism above.

Low-Intensity, Long-Duration Exercise

Lasting more than 1 minute and 45 seconds, the activity can now be considered aerobic, given that it uses oxygen for the reactions that generate energy, which will occur within the mitochondria. In this activity, we use macronutrients from fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Aerobic Metabolism predominates. Walks, run, and various events are encompassed by aerobic Metabolism.

Clarifying the body’s functioning in physical activities, let’s get to the purpose of this article!

Imagine that you decided to go for a walk today. He stretched the large muscle groups he would be using and began his walk.

In the first 12 seconds, galactic anaerobic Metabolism is activated. Then, lactic Metabolism begins, using glucose to maintain itself for up to 1 minute and 45 seconds for oxygen to enter the mitochondria, initiate aerobic Metabolism, and use Fat, carbohydrates and protein as energy sources.

But how long before the walk did you eat? What do you eat? And when you decided to interrupt the activity, what did you ingest right after?

How to get the best results based on exercise physiology by eating the right foods?

Train In Fasting

Some people perform fasting workouts. This type of practice generates excessive stress in the body initially, and cortisol – a hormone produced by the adrenal glands – is released, causing two reactions:

  • In the muscle, there will be a breakdown of proteins to generate amino acids, and the liver will have to offer glucose to enter the reaction that takes place:
  • Fat, without carbohydrates, should offer the greatest amount of energy possible.

It will be a very efficient way for an individual to “dry off,” but he will lose a lot of muscle mass along with the fat burning. Fasting training is indicated for athletes with a lot of muscle mass and who need to reduce Fat for a competition, for example. Some use amino acid supplements before this fasting training for this loss to be smaller.

If your students need an indication of this training, there are some important guidelines that you should tell them.

General Orientations

An organism in balance supports well the loads to which it is imposed. A nourished body will not need supplementation, imagining an ordinary student. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and fibre and adequate hydration does not hurt anyone. If the student trains and eats as instructed but does not drink at least 2 litres of water daily, he delays the expected results.

In addition to reducing intestinal and renal activity, the body will look for water in other areas during exercises, so the little water in the body will be eliminated from the sweat generated by training. Skeletal muscle needs water for proper functioning, and a dry mouth during training can be a sign of dehydration.

Also Read: The Importance Of Healthy Weight Loss

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