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How To Go Vegan To Lose Weight

The vegan diet to lose weight has gained a lot of support in recent years. After all, it is much easier to control calories consumed with a diet that excludes products of animal origin, which are higher in fat and calories.

In addition, the vegan diet has been proven to be the method that most scientifically results in weight loss

According to doctors, the reason is that whole grain products and vegetables have a low glycemic index. This, in turn, prevents sugar from building up in the blood. It helps reduce the speed with which food leaves the stomach, thus ensuring good digestion.

Losing weight fast and in a balanced way is everyone’s dream. And this is possible with the vegan diet. Unlike many famous diets, this one won’t leave you starving! Here are five tips I prepared for your vegan diet to lose weight and bring the best results.

Vegan Diet To Lose Weight: What To Eat?

  • Eat fiber: the ideal daily fiber intake to keep the digestive system healthy is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. They are excellent allies of the vegan diet to lose weight fast, as they help with evacuation, remove all toxins from the body and generate the feeling of satiety. Therefore, bet on consuming whole grains, vegetables, grains, and fruits with skin. Lentils, beans, corn, peas, plums, apricots, grapes, and apples.
  • Avoid sugar: just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain sugar. So, be careful with industrialized juices and desserts. Fruits already have sugar naturally. Only the consumption of them already offers what is necessary for the body.
  • Consume healthy fats: Although fats consumption is not recommended in a diet, healthy fats are essential for weight loss. Therefore, freely consume walnuts, avocados, chestnuts, flaxseeds, olives, sunflower seeds, and olive oil.
  • Include seaweed in the diet: with a strong presence in Asian food, seaweed has almost no fat and is an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, and protein. In addition, they convey a feeling of satiety. Dried algae should be treated in the kitchen in the same way as vegetables such as peas. They serve as a side dish, in salads, or soups. Nori, wakame, kombu, arame, and hijiki are the main edible seaweeds.
  • Make carbohydrate+protein combos: rice and beans, chickpeas and wheat, quinoa beans with lentils, brown rice with lentils… You can make countless tasty combinations with these and other ingredients. They will be responsible for supplying energy to the body. Just don’t go overboard with carbs. So, pay more attention to your protein intake.


One more tip is to consume fruits that hydrate during physical activities. Examples are pear, watermelon, and strawberry. The vegan diet to lose weight allows you to lose weight more efficiently and generates more energy for the body to withstand the exercise routine!

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being Vegan

Meeting people who are adept at veganism has become more and more common. Celebrities are self-declared vegan and encourage their audience to take the same path on social media. It goes like this; many only highlight the advantages of being vegan. However, everything in life has both sides, and, as this choice affects our bodies a lot, I decided to research in-depth and bring you the advantages and disadvantages of being vegan.

Veganism is a philosophy of life in which we exclude any product sourced or tested on animals. In food, which is the subject in question, the vegan does not consume meat, whether red or white, eggs, honey, milk, or any other animal derivatives.

What Are The Benefits Of Being Vegan?

One of the most significant advantages of being vegan is that the diet is rich in grains, fibers, vegetables, and fruits. This completely changes the organism’s functioning and reflects well on the skin and hair, leaving them more alive, soft, and beautiful.

  • Eliminating cholesterol: with the exclusion of meat from the food menu, the absence of saturated fat in the body reduces the levels of cholesterol and fatty acid, which are responsible for the development of arterial hypertension and other complications.
  • Foods without additives and preservatives: goodbye to industrialized foods full of preservatives and chemicals that we don’t even know what they are for! Adopting a vegan diet brings with it the consumption of fresher and healthier foods.
  • Weight loss: no meat, no fat, no extra weight. It becomes much easier to control the weight, and the body is not bloated.
  • Intestine works better: as the diet is rich in fiber, the feeling of satiety increases; that is, we feel less hungry. In addition, the intestine works better and becomes more regular.
  • Less sugar: without milk in the diet, which is present in most sweets and dessert dishes, the blood sugar level drops, preventing the development of diseases such as diabetes. But it is important to remember that vegan sweets options; are just less accessible than sweets of some animal origin.

Disadvantages Of Being Vegan

Suppose we search a little on the internet about veganism. In that case, we will find many texts talking about the absence of essential vitamins for our metabolism in the vegan diet, such as B12, calcium, iron, and zinc. Both vitamins are present on the vegan menu. However, some experts say that no matter how much these foods are consumed in large quantities, it may not be enough for the body to stay healthy.


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