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Low Glycemic Index Foods: What Are They?

Is eating low glycemic file food sources valuable for everybody or only for diabetes? How about we discover what they are. There are many justifications for why it would be prudent to burn through a more significant number of food varieties with a low glycemic record than those with a higher GI, as a feature of a sound and adjusted eating routine and not just assuming you have diabetes.

The first and most significant is, without a doubt, the control of glucose, which is fundamental to stay away from glucose spikes, the expansion in insulin, and unnecessary work by the body to take blood sugars back to ordinary levels. The second, no less significant, is the control of body weight. While most food sources with a high GI are solid and permitted in any eating routine, they can raise blood glucose levels a lot quicker. This way, devouring a significant number of these food varieties prompts an overabundance of sugars, which are changed into energy holds and, in this way, into fat.

Too high a glucose level can likewise influence mind work and the prosperity of the entire creature. Hence, keeping esteems ​​as adjusted as conceivable is vital for staying solid. Given this, we ought to devour many low glycemic list food varieties every day. So we should see what the glycemic record implies, the food varieties with the least GI, and how to consolidate them in various dinners.

Glycemic Index: What Is It, And How Does It Work?

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is the rate at which the sugars in a particular food are absorbed and transformed into glucose in the blood. This process, therefore, determines the sudden rise in blood sugar after each meal. The glycemic index of foods is linked to each food’s energy values ​​and quantity. Therefore, given a balance from this point of view, it would be more correct to speak of the glycemic index of meals and not of individual foods. 

For this reason, it is not enough to choose to consume more low GI foods, but you also need to know how to combine them correctly and evaluate the right portions. In addition, the variety of some foods, their degree of ripeness, and any cooking must also be taken into account. For example, although apples all belong to the same fruit category, some varieties have a lower glycemic index. At the same time, very ripe fruit will have a higher GI than the same less ripe fruit.

Finally, pasta, which has a medium glycemic index (therefore to be consumed in moderation), in the whole meal variety, in the long format (spaghetti), and cooked al dente, the value drops considerably. Therefore, it is not entirely wrong to consume foods with medium or high GI, but the important thing is not to overdo it. A diet too rich in foods with a high glycemic index can cause several consequences, including:

  1. A marked increase in the insulin response, 
  2. The body begins to consume the sugars it receives instead of fats, causing their increase and encouraging the onset of overweight ;
  3. Increased hunger because sugars are burned faster;
  4. Increase in digestive problems, tooth decay, and oxidative stress;
  5. An overworked pancreas can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

In the classification of foods, the glycemic index is measured through a scale of values ​​ranging from 0 to 100. Therefore, foods with a low glycemic index are defined as those with a value equal to or less than 55, with an average GI if the value fluctuates between 56 and 69 and a high GI if it exceeds 70. Put, the closer the GI value gets to zero, the less impact that food has on the glycemic response.


Low Glycemic Index Foods: Which Ones To Prefer

Knowing which foods have the lowest glycemic index is undoubtedly an excellent idea to make more informed choices in organizing meals. However, it is good to remember that a balanced diet, once the presence of particular diseases is excluded, must contain a wide range of foods to be varied, including the fattest and sugary ones. As we have already seen, introducing too small a quantity of sugars into the body can have consequences that should not be underestimated in the same way.

The solution, therefore, is to prefer certain foods with low GI combined with others with medium or high GI, taking into account the caloric intake and above all the quantities ingested. In composing a complete meal that is nutritious but balanced in all its microelements, it is advisable to prefer low glycemic index carbohydrates such as whole grains (mainly barley, oats, and spelled), or a portion of legumes, combined with a source of protein and a bit of vegetable, the latter essential to limit the absorption of sugars thanks to the presence of soluble fibers.

Almost all vegetables and legumes have a low GI. Likewise, animal-based protein sources are ideal for avoiding blood sugar spikes. All types of fish, including the fattest ones like salmon, can be eaten without any problems. White meats such as chicken, beef, rabbit, and turkey also have a reasonably low GI. In a meal consisting, for example, of a portion of oily fish and one of the low GI vegetables (such as zucchini), then one could add a bit of carbohydrate with a medium glycemic index (whole meal bread). 

Sounds complicated? Maybe, and for this reason, we advise you to turn to a proper nutrition professional for the composition of a well-balanced meal plan, rather than trying to do everything yourself. Right here on NutriDoc, you can find a nutritionist, dietician, or dietician in your city.

Low Glycemic Index Carbohydrates

Opting for low glycemic index carbohydrates proves to be a good idea, not only for those who need to keep their blood sugar in check. This category includes the majority of whole grains that have not undergone any refining process. Therefore, consuming fiber-rich whole wheat pasta and bread regularly is a good habit that we should all adopt regardless of the glycemic index. The presence of fiber helps limit the absorption of sugars.

Some cereals and pseudo-cereals are low-GI carbohydrates such as barley, spelled oats, buckwheat, and quinoa. On the other hand, pasta and wheat bread are included in the medium GI range even if, as already mentioned, the latter is lowered in the whole meal variety and some formats. All products based on white and refined flours, on the other hand, are to be considered with a high glycemic index. 

A little more controversial speech regarding rice: since there are many varieties, it is not easy to define the glycemic index of rice. Diabetics and those who have to keep their blood sugar strictly under control, then it is good to know that quick-cooking white rice has a very high glycemic index (because it is refined). Basmati and whole meal rice have medium GI, while black and wild rice are the varieties with the lowest glycemic index.

Low Glycemic Index Fruit

If we only consider the glycemic index, even about fruit, some types should be avoided because they contain a lot of sugars.  Yet, it is also advisable to always consider the amount of food consumed, and usually, it does not go beyond 150-200 grams per day, its intake of carbohydrates and water. We find citrus fruits, strawberries, apples, peaches, pears, and plums among the fruits with a low glycemic index. 

On the other hand, Watermelon and banana have a high GI, but while the former contains a lot of water, the latter is unlikely to be consumed more than once per day. Finally, one of the best tips offered by specialists to lower the daily glycemic load is to consume fruit as a snack, therefore away from main meals.

Low Glycemic Index Breakfast

Adopting a low glycemic index diet is no easy feat for many. This requires a complete disruption of one’s eating habits and effort to understand how to combine low GI foods correctly.

Those who intend to take better care of their body then can, first of all, opt for a low glycemic index breakfast to start the day with energy but without stress. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which should never be skipped, and it is essential that it is well balanced to provide the body with the right energy during daily activities.

Starting the day with a low glycemic index breakfast, in fact, not only allows a slower release of sugars, avoiding the glycemic peak and the consequent sudden drop that causes fatigue. But it also helps keep mid-morning hunger pangs under control, leading to unhealthy snacks before lunch. The classic sweet breakfast with cappuccino and croissant should therefore be avoided, as well as industrial jams, biscuits, and snacks. This type of breakfast is, in fact, unbalanced from the point of view of macronutrients and too rich in added sugars.

Better then to prefer a source of complex carbohydrates (whole meal bread, oatmeal, whole meal biscuits without sugar, preferably homemade), combined with a source of protein (egg white, salmon, cream cheese, skimmed milk) and a small portion of fresh fruit or dried fruit with a low glycemic index but with very high energy and satiating power.


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