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Strong Body And Healthy Mind

Want to strengthen your muscles? Ease the tension. Burn calories? Be more flexible. Yoga is the answer to all questions. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing yoga for years or have never rolled out a mat; we have the perfect workout for you.

If you were to make a list in a paper about the benefits of yoga, you would need a roller. Better flexibility, less stress, and more smiles would make a list – and maybe even weight loss. In a small study of adults who adopted yoga as a “lifestyle” (choosing healthier choices and attending classes), participants lost an average of 10 pounds in three months, according to research published in Global Advances in Health . Medicine. It was also reported that they loved their new lifestyle. In addition, according to a study in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, meditation-based practices can help improve the quality of life for people with chronic health problems, such as low back pain or diabetes.

To create a sequence of poses perfect for a beginner or an expert ready to hit the ground running. With this sequence, you’ll cover all the significant positions and work various muscles. All you need to do is take a deep breath and stretch to reach your goals.

If you are a beginner: Change positions slowly, holding each for five breaths.

If you’re more advanced: Step up with a quick Vinyasa workout with a faster groove. Do the mountain and tree poses and hold each for five breaths. Then do the remaining positions, combining each breath with each movement. But remember, switch places at a pace that is comfortable for you:

1. Mountain

Stand up. Align your entire body—knees over ankles, hips over knees, shoulders over hips—and make sure your ears are over your shoulders. Keep your arms at your sides and your palms facing forward.

2. Tree

Balancing on your right leg, bring the sole of your left foot to your right ankle (your right knee should be facing out). Put your palms together in a prayer position and place them on your chest. If you are more advanced, you can set your left foot at the height of your calf or thigh (avoid knee injuries).

Tip for beginners: Instead of putting your palms together, hold on to a chair or wall for stability.

3. Extended Side Angle

From Tree Pose, take a comprehensive step back with your left foot so that your right leg is bent and your left leg is straight. Place both your hands on your right thigh. Put your left hand down, below your left shoulder, and inside your right foot, and lift your right arm towards the sky, giving the position a light touch. 

Beginner Tip: Rest your left knee on the floor as you take a step back.

4. Dog Looking Down

Still, in the extended side angle position, place your right hand down on the mat and step your right foot back, meeting your left foot (you should be in the pushup position). Push your butt up, creating an inverted “V” with your body, and feel your spine lengthening and stretching in this pose.

Beginner tip: Bend your knees or bring your feet closer to your hands.

5. Plank

From the downward-facing dog position, move forward, coming to a plank position and keeping your body straight from your neck to your ankles. Remember to keep your shoulders aligned with your hands and hips, ensuring your arms and legs are straight. She contracts her insides.

Beginner Tip: Keep both your knees on the mat.

6. Half Snake

From the plank position, bend your elbows and gently lower your body, supporting your belly on the floor. Stretch your toes, position your elbows inward, and lift your chest. 

Beginner Tip: Keep your toes curled. Return to the beginning by pushing your body back into the downward-facing dog position. Step forward with one foot, then with the other, and return to the mountain position. Repeat positions 1 through 6 on the left leg. Complete the entire sequence 5-10 times, depending on your fitness.

End with: Savasana

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, your eyes closed. Stay in this position for as long as you like – the idea is to finish the exercises in a calm and peaceful state.

less stress

Try the Three-Time Breathing exercise, doing each step for five breaths: with your spine straight (sitting or lying down), inhale as if you were filling your belly with air. Exhale, keeping your breathing relaxed. Then, breathe more deeply, imagining the air entering your rib cage. Exhale, and when you inhale again for the third time, fill your upper chest. Exhale and feel your anxiety disappearing.


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