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Tamarind: The Properties & Health Benefits Of A Fruit That Promotes Digestion

Tamarind is rich in mineral salts, vitamins, and fibers, tamarind helps regulate blood pressure and keep cholesterol under control. With its pulp creams, sauces and syrups are prepared.

Benefit  Of Tamarind

Tamarind is the fruit of the large evergreen tropical tree “Tamarindus Indica,” native to Africa but also present in the Caribbean, South Asia, and South America. This fruit is called “Indian date” and looks like a woody pod with seeds wrapped in pulp with an acid flavor and a brown color. The latter comprises 31% water, 57% sugar, 5% fiber, and again fats, proteins, and nutritional elements; for this reason, it is widely used both in the kitchen and for the preparation of cosmetic products.

What Is The Tamarind 

The tamarind fruit also contains limonene, safrole, and cinnamic acid, all volatile oils that give it enormous medicinal power. The tartaric acid contained within it makes it a powerful antioxidant.

Properties And Benefits  

Tamarind is a fruit with multiple beneficial properties for the body. From the processing of its peel, for example, a dark pulp is obtained with which jams, jellies, and syrups with a laxative effect are produced. Tamarind has tamarind, an active ingredient that effectively fights some fungal infections, including “Candida Albicans,” And manages to calm dysentery. The tartaric acid, which is rich, as we have already said, is an antioxidant, and for this reason, it effectively fights free radicals. In addition, tamarind also has remarkable antidiabetic power, regulates the presence of sugar in the blood, and prevents biliary disorders. 

Those who suffer from difficult digestion find tamarind very useful because it regulates gastric functions. Rich in fiber, this fruit keeps cholesterol under control and manages to regulate blood pressure. In some countries, tamarind is used to eradicate malarial fevers. A study has indicated, without yet fully demonstrating, how the extract of the seeds of this fruit (with anti-inflammatory action) can potentially treat arthritis .Thanks to the action they perform against the enzymes that cause the degradation of cartilage. The tamarind is used for different discoveries depending on the place in the world where you are. In India, for example, the plant treats hemorrhoids, pharyngitis, stomatitis, and alcohol intoxication. Homeopathic medicine uses this fruit to create drugs that fight stomach pain.

Where To Find Tamarind

Today tamarind is readily available in large-scale distribution, in many supermarkets, and the departments dedicated to tropical fruit. In addition to the actual fruit, it is also possible to buy jellies, creams, and jams derived from processing the peel. You can find this fruit (often combined with other herbs, such as fennel) also in herbal medicine, in the form of ready-to-use sachets for the preparation of herbal teas, which are excellent for treating gastrointestinal disorders.

In shops specializing in the sale of ethnic products, you can also find the tamarind paste, widely used for preparing vegetable soups to be enriched with fish or shellfish. The same pasta can also be found in many online shops. In some shops, it is also possible to buy candied tamarind.

How To Use 

In Italy, tamarind is used for the preparation of syrups and creams, while in other countries, it is considered a natural ingredient to be used in many recipes. It is, for example, the ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and “Sambhar, “that is the Indian lentil soup, to be served with rice. Tamarind is also used for meat or fish curries because its flavor is much more intense than lemon and lime. An excellent refreshing drink is prepared with tamarind and digestive, boiling 50 grams of pulp in water for about 15 minutes.

After that, you must mash it well and remove the fibers. Next, add 50 cl of water, 3 teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger, 2 crushed cumin grains, 3 sugar, and a little salt. At this point, stir and let it rest for a quarter of an hour. Finally, filter and let the mixture cool. When it’s time to drink the soft drink, dilute the mixture in 1 liter of fresh water and garnish to taste. In Italy, it is possible to find tamarind in the form of liqueur, made with gin and lemon juice, with a pleasantly sweet and sour taste.


Tamarind can have some essential contraindications. Not recommended if taking aspirin: it can increase the risk of bleeding. The same can occur when taking anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs and with blood thinners. Some people are allergic to tamarind, which causes rash, dizziness, or vomit. In this case, the use is to be avoided, or it is advisable to reduce the daily intake, possibly consulting your doctor.

Tamarind is very acidic, and for this reason, in the long run, it can damage the enamel of the teeth. People with diabetes who take blood glucose-lowering drugs must handle small amounts of this fruit which can cause changes in blood glucose. Therefore, even in the consumption of tamarind, it is good to pay attention to “do it yourself,” especially if you suffer from particular pathologies for which it is necessary to take ad “hoc drugs.


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