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5 Easy Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss

Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss? Doing Yoga and eating healthy is a great way to lose weight and get back in shape. Of course, doing only Yoga is not the fastest way to lose weight. When it comes to losing excess weight, nutrition is always decisive, but diet alone is too little. The combination of Yoga and a low-calorie diet rich in liquids, fruit, and vegetables is needed for perfect physical shape. 

This does not mean that it is enough to do Yoga once in a while and eat healthy only a few days a week. Our body needs the proper movement and the right amount of energy every day. The body needs our help to eliminate waste and storage fats. This can be achieved thanks to diet and training. Daily physical training allows you to keep the body always in motion. Here’s how to do it with nutrition, now let’s see how to do it with Yoga.

Yoga And Weight Loss

Each yoga exercise and position helps detoxify, allow the body to pump more blood and increase metabolism. We will see a series of yoga positions that include stretching, twisting, stretching and muscle contraction helpful in maintaining balance while performing the movements. 

While Yoga externally tones the muscles, on the inside, it massages the internal organs, improving blood circulation, activating the lymphatic system, very useful for combating cellulite, heavy legs and swelling. In addition, thanks to yoga breathing exercises, you learn to breathe better by bringing more oxygen into the bloodstream. This allows for more excellent cleaning of organic waste. 

Marichyasana – Position Of The Sage Marichi

Meaning:   mariachi  = a ray of light (sun or moon) name of a Hindu seer to whom the intuition of the divine law of the universe is attributed.

Level:  beginners

Benefits: stimulates digestion, strengthens and lengthens the spine and removes toxins from internal organs.

Caution in case of high or low blood pressure and back injuries.

How To Do It At Home

  1. From a sitting position with legs extended forward, feet together, bend the right knee bringing the heel close to the buttock and keep the left leg straight.
  2. Both hands resting on the ground, lengthen the spine, relax the shoulders and keep the buttocks in contact with the floor.
  3. As you exhale, begin to rotate your torso towards your right knee, place your left hand behind and turn your head to the right.
  4. With each exhalation, increase the twist and place the back of the right elbow on the outside of the right knee.

Time: hold the position for 30 seconds, maximum of 1 minute, and slowly repeat the work on the other side.

Do Not Do: 

Do not bring the shoulders towards the ears and curve the spine.


Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half-Twist Of The Fish Lord

Meaning :  ardha = half –    Matsya = fish –   indra = ruler, lord

Level :  intermediate.

Benefits: stimulates digestion, relaxes the shoulders, pelvis, spine and relieves menstrual pain.

Caution in case of back injuries.

How To Do It At Home

  1. From a sitting position with the legs extended forward, feet together, bend the right knee, pass it over the left leg and place the foot on the ground on the outside of the left thigh.
  2. The left heel points to the right buttocks, inhales and stretches the spine and chest, relaxing the shoulders.
  3. As you exhale, begin to rotate your torso to the right and place your left elbow inside your right knee and place your right hand on the ground behind you, also turning your head.
  4. With each exhalation, increase the twist and further lengthen the spine by pushing the coccyx towards the floor.

Time: hold the position for 30 seconds, maximum of 1 minute, and slowly repeat the work on the other side.

Do Not Do:

  1. Do not squeeze and bring the shoulders towards the ears.
  2. Do not take the bent leg’s foot off the ground.
  3. Do not curve the spine.

Parivrtta Utkatasana – Position Of The Chair In A Twist

Meaning : parivrtta = to rotate, to turn – utkatasana = chair

Level :  intermediate.

Benefits: stimulates digestion, lengthens the spine and strengthens thighs, abs and buttocks.

Caution in case of back injuries.

How To Do It At Home

  1. From a standing position with legs and arms at your sides, lean forward as if you were sitting down and stretching your arms upward.
  2. Slowly lean back until your weight rests on your heels.
  3. Squeeze your thighs against each other and bring your hands to your chest, then join your palms in prayer and, while breathing, rotate your torso to the right.
  4. Lengthen the spine and remain in a squat position as the left elbow rests on the outer side of the right thigh.
  5. Fixed gaze upwards and with each exhalation slightly increase the rotation of the torso.

Time: hold the position for 10 seconds maximum of 30 minutes and slowly repeat the work on the other side.

Do Not Do: 

Do not force the rotation of the torso by pushing the elbow on the thigh, and do not lose balance from the squatting position.

Jathara Parivartanasana – Twisting While Lying Down

Level:  beginners.

Benefits: improves posture, stretches back and leg muscles, lengthens the spine and hydrates the spinal discs.

Attention in case of problems behind.

How To Do It At Home

  1. Lie on your back, bring your arms to the sides of your body with your palms facing down in a T-position.
  2. Bend your knees, bring them towards your chest and exhale. Bring both knees to the left side of your body.
  3. Extend your legs with your feet together and look straight ahead.
  4. Keep your shoulders flat against the ground and relax.

Time: Hold the pose for 30 seconds and slowly repeat the pose on the other side.

Do not detach the shoulder blades from the floor and do not bring the shoulders to the ears.

Variation: Turn your head to the right.

Prasarita Padottanasana – Forward Bend

Meaning : prasarita = extended, widened – pada = foot – tan = to stretch or extend

Level :  beginners.

Benefits: improves coordination, stretches the hips, legs and groin, relieves fatigue and anxiety, increases the flexibility of the spine.

How To Do It At Home:

  1. From a standing position with legs together and arms at your sides, spread your legs beyond hip-width and place your hands on the ground in front of you.
  2. Keeping the feet parallel to each other, legs and arms must then be perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other.
  3. To help stretch the front of the torso, squeeze your thighs and lower your torso and head.
  4. Keep your front torso as long as possible, press your palms to the floor and slowly bend your elbows.
  5. Rest the top of the head on the floor. Forearms are perpendicular to the floor and upper arms parallel to the floor.

Time: hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute

Do Not Do: 

  1. Do not bank the shoulders.
  2. Variation: hold the left ankle with the right hand, raise the left hand towards the sky, then repeat on the other side.

How To Burn More Calories In Yoga

With simple tips, you can increase the number of calories you burn with Yoga when exercising. The question many women ask themselves is: Does Yoga burn calories? Of all the exercises and fitness classes available in the gym to lose weight and tone your body, Yoga may at first be deceiving and suggests that it doesn’t burn that many calories when compared to other physical activities such as swimming and running. The yoga technique primarily focuses on building mental and physical strength, flexibility and mental health. That doesn’t mean it’s not a great way to stay in line.

Here are some tips on how to increase calories burned with yoga practice:

  • Use dynamic yoga techniques such as  Ashtanga Yoga (yoga method that produces intense internal heat makes you sweat more and detoxifies) or Vinyāsa Yoga (a fluid active form of Yoga) Hot Yoga (Yoga that is done in the heat, at a temperature of 40 degrees)  Power Yoga (with attached active fitness positions) Bikram Yoga (practical and invigorating Hatha Yoga lessons carried out in a room at a temperature of 40 ° that will make you sweat)
  •  Do not limit yourself to the classic yoga positions but practice the variants that require more strength and flexibility, more challenging variants of the primary job. For example, instead of doing 30 seconds of downward dog position ( adho mukha svanasana ), you can perform a dog upside down with raised leg (tri pada adho mukha svanasana)
  • Performing Yoga for more than 30 minutes per workout because the longer you work out, the more calories you burn, 90 minutes of yoga session can burn you more than 400 calories. Limiting yourself to 30 minutes, you only burn about 130 calories.


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