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Five Reasons To Drink A Glass Of Water First Thing In The Morning

One of the best tips for drinking more water in everyday life: start the day with a large glass in the morning. Getting used to this is worthwhile for the body in many ways – here are five good reasons for enjoying the water in the morning.

Without enough water, the body cannot function. The problem with this is that it cannot store the liquid permanently, so you have to supply it with it regularly.

Unfortunately, many people do not always think about it, as the ‘force Institute survey on behalf of SodaStream has shown. According to the results, every second German drinks too little. 

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends 1.5 liters of water a day, and it should be even more if you do strenuous exercise or are in great heat. 

A tried and tested trick to reach the guideline value and drink more water: place the bottle and glass by the bed and immediately drink fluids after waking up.

Those who stick to it can benefit from these five benefits that affect both health and beauty.

The Metabolism Is Stimulated

Studies have shown that drinking enough water will get your metabolism going. The reason: After drinking, the body has to adjust the temperature of the liquid to the body temperature and therefore produce heat.

This, in turn, ensures that metabolism and digestion get going – and more calories are burned. Therefore, for those who want to lose weight, it is particularly recommended to start the day with a large glass of water. 

In addition, thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. That means unnecessary calories, although you should only drink a glass of water. 

Drinking still water also seems to help you lose weight better than carbonated mineral water. This has been shown by a study by the Palestinian University of Birzeit with rats.

Toxins Are Flushed Out

While you sleep, the body recovers, toxins are broken down – and ideally, they should somehow get out of the body again. 

To rinse out the degraded substances, water is particularly suitable on an empty stomach. This makes it particularly easy for the body to excrete the pollutants successfully. 

The Stomach Is Spared

Digestive problems such as stomach pain, heartburn, or diarrhea are often caused by increased acidity in the stomach.

Everyone reacts differently to acidic foods – that is also why some can tolerate a lot of coffee, while others have a queasy feeling in their stomach after just a tiny cup.

If you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, you use it to dilute the acid and prevent these problems. Drinking regularly is particularly important for anyone struggling with digestive issues.

Bladder Infections Are Prevented

Most people know that if you have cystitis, you have to drink a lot – at least all those who have had to deal with the annoying drag in the abdomen. 

According to a US study, fluid intake provides relief when it is too late and prevents the disease.

In the clinical examination, water consumption of 1.5 liters reduced the likelihood of developing cystitis by almost 50 percent. 

Anyone who frequently suffers from cystitis and drinks very little overall can effectively combat recurring infections by consuming more water. 

Water Makes Skin And Hair Glow

If you drink enough, you get better skin and more beautiful hair. A lack of water promotes the formation of wrinkles, pimples, or impurities and makes the hair look dull and brittle.

You can prevent these problems from the outside with moisturizers and hair treatments – it is essential to ensure sufficient moisture from the inside.

A glass of water in the morning is an excellent first step.


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