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How Pimple Marks Appear And Quickly Disappear

Annoying pimples sometimes leave traces: why some pimples turn into scars and what helps against sunken acne scars and red spots.

Even more frustrating than a pimple is a scar that stays forever. Raised or sunken scars, dark spots, or permanent redness are often souvenirs of severe skin blemishes. “Acne scars are even more common, however, as a receipt that we couldn’t keep our hands off a pimple,” If a new pimple pops up, it is now at the latest: Put your fingers away, do not squeeze or scratch yourself!

Why Do Acne Scars Develop?

Acne scars don’t always have to be caused by pressing and scratching. “If a pimple is particularly deep and extends into the so-called basal cell layer, this cell layer between the skin and subcutaneous fat can be damaged, which can lead to permanent scars even without your intervention. By the way: how high the risk is that a permanent scar is created depends, among other things, on genes, “In addition, some parts of the body are at increased risk of acne scars, including the upper back, chest, and temples.” So stupid if big pimple sprouts here of all places.

When Do Pimple Marks Fade?

Unfortunately, waiting doesn’t help. “Real scars fade over time but can never go away completely. Only superficial injuries usually heal completely,” says the skin expert. 

Scars are easier to avoid than to get rid of. It is therefore important to reduce pimple formation as early as possible. “Because there are different types of acne, the treatment and care recommendations also differ,” “But it is always important to use gentle cleansing and not too greasy care. If you use makeup, then only makeup for blemished skin.”

Are There Creams For Pimple Scars?

Unfortunately not. “There are good scar creams out there, but unfortunately, they only help very little with acne scars,” the dermatologist knows from many years of experience. That said, to get rid of permanent pimple marks, you need to see a dermatologist.

What Can The Doctor Do About Pimple Marks?

It mainly depends on the type of scar. “Sunken scars can, for example, be sprayed very well with hyaluronic acid in a few minutes. Raised scars are” irritated “with special scar lasers or evenly removed with strong chemical peelings,” the professional knows and adds: “If the acne scars are only reddened, special lasers help dilate the blood vessels and thus reduce redness. “

What Does Acne Scar Treatment Cost?

How much money you should save depends on the type of treatment and the number and thickness of the scars. “Professional peelings are around 100 to 200 euros. Injections start at around 150 euros, depending on the amount of active ingredient required. For small lasers, you should plan around 120 euros. Laser treatments for the whole face can also cost over 1000 euros.”

Are There Any Cheaper Options?

There are also peelings in cosmetic studios, mostly based on fruit acids but much milder. Further treatment options are microdermabrasion, in which the top layer of skin is removed using a sandblast or needling. Many small needle pricks stimulate the renewal processes of the skin. All methods have in common that a session is usually much cheaper than an appointment with a dermatologist. The catch: “All of these treatments have to be repeated more often, as there is only a small improvement. Old scars never become invisible through cosmetic treatments,” 

When Is The Ideal Time For Scar Treatment?

Stronger peelings or laser treatments should only be carried out in winter because you avoid the sun afterward. You can still submit a vacation. “Because with the strong treatments, you have to reckon with around a week of downtime with scabs and redness,” the skin expert knows. The skin needs rest to heal. So sport and sauna are initially taboo.

How Can Men Hide Acne Scars?

A taboo subject for many men, but makeup can help you make red or dark spots invisible. Buying tip: make sure you have a high level of coverage and test the tone on your face, never on your wrist or back, to ensure the color matches. So nobody will notice that you are wearing makeup. Do you plague sunken scars? Then a primer will help. This is a type of foundation that is applied before makeup to even out unevenness. So a kind of spatula before “painting.”

Those who want to get rid of acne scars on their own can cover them up, but unfortunately, the pimple marks cannot be removed. Treatments at the beautician help to visibly improve the complexion. To get rid of the scars completely, you need to dig deeper into your pockets – in this case, only treatment at a dermatologist will help.


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